18000, Cherkasy, blvd. Shevchenko, 185, 3rd floor office       +380472500932  rda.ck.ua@gmail.com fb.com/rda.ck.ua

Our services

Strategy development

  • Elaboration of development strategies for the development of the united territorial communities, small and medium-sized businesses
  • Moderation of strategic sessions
  • Elaboration of plans for the implementation of development strategies
  • Development of local development programs
  • Translation of development strategies into English

Project management

  • Consultations on the conditions of participation in existing grant programs in Ukraine and their selection;
  • Assistance in filling out project applications, application forms, project budget, applications according to the donor’s requirements;
  • Development of a project for obtaining a grant;
  • Development of projects for submission to current grant programs in Ukraine;
  • Assistance in the development of interregional development projects and cooperation projects for territorial communities;
  • Translation of development projects into English.

Investment Attracting

  • Development of investment passports
  • Selection of investment-attractive land plots such as “greenfield”,”brownfield”
  • Support of the investment attraction process to territorial communities and SMEs
  • Implementation of feasibility studies of business plans for micro and small businesses
  • Support of investment projects


  • Holding trainings, round tables or other training intensive courses on current topics.
  • Organization, moderation, holding round tables, panel discussions, forums, etc.

18000, Cherkasy, blvd. Shevchenko, 185, 3rd floor office       +380472500932  rda.ck.ua@gmail.com fb.com/rda.ck.ua

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